I studied graphic design at one of the top design universities in the UK. (It was UAL for anyone that was interested in knowing)
After I got my degree, I didn’t know what to do next. All I was told by my tutors was to have a great portfolio and apply for internships and jobs.
There are certain things that you just don’t learn in an arts college but you have to experience in order to discover.
Little did I know that my tutors didn’t have a clue what they were talking about. Working in the real world is far different then working inside a classroom.
After a couple of years going in and out of internships and getting paid hardly anything, I was getting angry.
Seeing people create mediocre work yet getting paid 5x what they’re worth, while I was stuck at some studio creating awesome work yet getting paid zilch.
To be honest, I was jealous.
I decided that it was enough.
I began to educate myself by reading books about psychology and design.
I tracked down top designers and asked them why are they so successful and how do they earn so much.
I then began putting everything I learned into action. Slowly but surely, my income started increasing. I soon started taking on more clients then I could handle so I increased my fees.
Not only were clients happy to pay me high fees for my services but they turned out to be the exact clients that I wanted. They loved the work that I produced and didn’t cause any hassle when the time to pay came.
I soon realised that other creatives must have gone through the same struggles as I did so I decided to write everything I know onto this blog.
I’ve created this blog with the reader in mind. What would I want to know if I was starting of as a designer fresh out of college?
I’ve also tried to make a lot of the content on this blog actionable, so that not only would you find it interesting to read, but you would also be able to take something useful away from it.
I genuinely hope that this blog can be a valuable resource for you and for other creatives.
I also hope that this blog can build a community around itself and expand into different areas of design.
If you have any questions, advice or tips, you can always contact me directly on info@weeklydesigngrind.com. I read every email that comes my way.
Don’t worry, I hate spam too.
The headers were designed by 2 different illustrators – Valerie and Nikita